For Top PAs, and Chiefs of Staff in the Netherlands
Author: Maartje

Masterclass Beïnvloeden en communiceren 3.0
Datum: 24 november 2018
Aanvang: 09.30 uur
Locatie: Smeenk’s Personal Assistants, Rijksweg 2, 6996 AC DREMPT
Expert: Daniella Balabanova
Einde: ca. 17.30 uur

Sparkle Your Talents
The Exclusive Mastermind for Top Personal Assistants, and Chiefs of Staff

Surprising, Stimulating, and Practical
Tailored to Your Professional Needs, and Personal Interests

Filled with Inspiring Insights
Actionable Strategies to Drive Immediate Impact

Learn from World-Class Experts
Alongside Ambitious, Like-Minded PAs and Chiefs of Staff

Networking Opportunities Included
Engage Over Meet & Greets, Lunch, Drinks and Refreshments